The Rise of Person-Centred Care in the British NHS

Since its inception in 1948, the NHS has undergone numerous transformations. One of the most significant paradigm shifts in recent times has been its move towards a more person-centred care approach. This transition champions the values, preferences, and needs of patients, ensuring that care is not only clinically excellent but also personally relevant.

The Essence of Person-Centred Care

Person-centred care can be traced back to the humanistic philosophy, where the individual’s experience is paramount. In the context of healthcare, it ensures that patients are partners in their care, with their experiences and values being acknowledged and integrated.

Why the Shift?

Multiple factors contributed to this shift:

Implementation in the NHS

In the NHS, person-centred care has manifested in multiple ways:

The Challenges

While the shift towards person-centred care is promising, it is not without challenges:

The Future of Person-Centred Care in the NHS

The momentum towards person-centred care in the NHS is undeniable. As the healthcare landscape evolves with technological advancements and changing societal expectations, the NHS's commitment to integrating the patient voice will remain paramount.

At Help at Hand we take our role in facilitating this revolution across the NHS very seriously. 1000s of patients across the UK are already benefiting from the suite of Help at Hand tools provided to medical professionals. The Help at Hand app, combined with Patient Case Manager, will drive the empowerment of the individual when it comes to deciding on the best care pathway for their unique needs.

To learn more about Help at Hand and our suite of tools to support person-centred care, contact the Help at Hand team on [email protected] or call us on 0330 133 4640.